Meeting #3 with Dr. Mikki McComb-Kobza & Nico Lubitz

Hammerheads & Shark Tagging

Dr. Mikki McComb-Kobza

We were fortunate enough to have Dr. Mikki-McComb-Kobza, head director of the Ocean First Institute and current president of the American Elasmobranch Society, send us a special video presentation about her research with hammerhead sharks! Some highlights from his talk included:

  • Learning how hammerheads have up to a 48º visual field as a product of their unique head shape and that, while they have a large blind spot straight ahead, their precise electroreception makes up for it!

  • Gaining invaluable knowledge on how shark conservation work can be used to protect and explore our oceans

Big thanks to Nico Lubitz for teaching us a bit about the work he is doing tracking mesopredators for his Ph.D. here at JCU! Some highlights from his talk included:

  • Learning that having a specific question formulated before tagging animals is what makes an effective tracking study

  • Getting to see close up and personal an acoustic telemetry tag and receiver

  • Going over the ethics of shark tagging studies and understanding how minimally invasive shark tagging is compared to what females have to go through every mating season…and all in the name of science


Meeting #4 with Lauren Mezzanotte & FINstitute President, Aliah Banchik


Meeting #2 with Aaron Hasenei